22 May, 2013

Wednesday already

Well Tuesday was a sort of strength day

Back Squats - but done slowly
sets of 3 - 3- 3 - 1 - 1 - 1
Made it harder - my final 1RM 100kg - I have done 115 before...
but my legs are feeling this - I went lower and got my back more vertical - a much better position

Then a couple of small finisher WODs for a sweat... argh Turkish Getups...

Weight 89.5

Met-con day
We did a long warmup, lots of stretches first then a series of quick stuff DU's, box jumps etc

- 3 Burpee Pull Ups
- 5 24" Box Jumps
- 7 20kg plate ground to overhead
- 9 Warrior Situps

Managed 7 complete rounds - geez it was a gut buster

Weight: 89.5 ....

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