06 May, 2013

Star Wars Day and beyond

May the 4th - Saturday Olympic Bar Session
Booked in for this 10.00am class - Very Cool - learnt lots and I was doing a few things wrong...
Most important - the Hook Grip - should be thumb under first then index finger over top

And my transition from first pull to second pull is not correct - my hip torso angle is going wonky - my hips are rising instead of maintaining the same angle.

Anyway - booked in for next weeks one as well

Todays WOD helped build on Saturdays session which was a bonus

Part 1 - 10 x 1 Power Snatch
Part 2 - 5 x 12 Goblet Squats (this started as 10 reps and eventually grew to 18!!)
Part 3 - 3 x 5 Turkish Getups (Shold have been 5 x but the Turkish takes a lot of time and we ran out it...)

Didn't weigh myself... :(

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