20 May, 2013

Busy weekend

I did the Oly Bar workout again on Saturday.  It's starting to come together.  The whole flow of the various Pulls and getting under the bar - but man do my shoulder and back muscles hurt.  They are starting to work hard now that I'm doing this right

And then I tried the Benchmark WOD - "Chelsea"
On The Minute
- 5 Pull Ups
- 10 Push Ups
- 15 Squats

I lasted 4 minutes - very tough on this old heart - my chest felt like it was caving in
Impressive seeing two guys get all the way through to 30 minutes - massive ticker!!

This morning... Met-Con
20 RFT (30min cut off)
- 4 DB Deadlifts
- 4 DB Power Cleans
- 4 DB Push Press
- 4 DB Burpees

My time 22.18 using 2 x 10kg DBs

Weight this morning 88.6

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