23 April, 2013

Busy 24 hours

Last 24 hours - 2 Crossfit WOD's plus a hockey game - all on injured hamstring and niggly ankle

Walked into the gym this morning and it was like Grandma - all stiff and sore.  As the warmup progressed I loosened up.  I still have a restricted mobility due to the tight hamstring.  Desperately need some work on this to loosen the fibers etc

Weight this morning - 89.4 still

All about the Snatch.  Lots of skill work then 20 minutes to do 5 single reps for max.  Doing the full squat snatch.
So I spent my 20min doing lots of practice with only getting to 45kg.  Slowing it down and keeping the weight close to me and fully opening the hips is key for me - plus now getting below the bar and catching in the squat position.  I think my feet are too wide and this causes some instability.

Lots to work on - which is all good

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