30 April, 2013

Bad Back!!!

Had to no show at the gym today - all night my back spasm made resting difficult, and still stiff this morning.

How did it happen?  Played hockey last night.  Must have lunged and twisted or something and it was sore from about an hour afterwards BUGGER.

My Crossfit fitness should be able to handle playing hockey, but, I'm not enjoying it. I think I'll quit and stay focused on Crossfit

On a good note my weight this morning is back to 89.6kg

29 April, 2013

No Rep !!!!!

Well - turned up for the 0600 class, and....
No Coach - Gym not open etc etc

Stood around chatting for 15min, then went home.
Checked what the WOD was going to be - a Front Squat session...

Had an early breakfast, read paper - jumped on scales after eating which I don't normally do - surprised 90.3kg  probably would have been 89.? before food and coffee - nice

Oh well - game of Hockey tonight...

26 April, 2013

Felt good today

Sure I was a little stiff around shoulders, but a good warmup and I was in good shape, and well the WOD was a great test of a few things...

But - the bad news first - my bad food choices of Wednesday... weight now 90.6 bugger

WOD - 20min AMRAP
- 8 Pull Up + Toes To Bar
- 16 Backward lunges with 20kg plate OH
- 24 DU's (but I singled 48 as the scale...)

5 complete rounds

We did a good skill workup which helped get some rhythm in the DU and toes to bar...

All good (tutto bene)

24 April, 2013

Wednesday WOD

Another gut busting MetCon....

AQAP (20 min cut off)
- 1000m run  (I rowed 1000)
- 50 Wall Balls 9kg
- 40 Chest To Bar (I used red band)
- 30 Dumb-bell Push Press(15 each side)
- 20 Burpees with jump over cone
- 15 V-situps with a weight in hand

time: 19.06  - Bloody hard - I'm looking forward to getting back running

Weight this morning 89.3  mmm small loss

23 April, 2013

Busy 24 hours

Last 24 hours - 2 Crossfit WOD's plus a hockey game - all on injured hamstring and niggly ankle

Walked into the gym this morning and it was like Grandma - all stiff and sore.  As the warmup progressed I loosened up.  I still have a restricted mobility due to the tight hamstring.  Desperately need some work on this to loosen the fibers etc

Weight this morning - 89.4 still

All about the Snatch.  Lots of skill work then 20 minutes to do 5 single reps for max.  Doing the full squat snatch.
So I spent my 20min doing lots of practice with only getting to 45kg.  Slowing it down and keeping the weight close to me and fully opening the hips is key for me - plus now getting below the bar and catching in the squat position.  I think my feet are too wide and this causes some instability.

Lots to work on - which is all good

22 April, 2013

ANZAC week - time to reflect (and look forward)

Nice weekend - albeit wet and cool
Kids finally away for the week.

Not sure what was happening with the eating yesterday - sporadic snacks until a planned evening meal of homemade Pasta with chicken/mushroom/bacon creamy soup thing

Weight this morning 89.4kg - so eating must have been OK !!

Monday WOD

Strength Session plus MetCon

Clean 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 1 - 1 - 1  - go for 1RM

For time 5 rounds
- 6 Deadlifts
- 6 Bent Over Rows (Underhand grip)
- 6 Power Cleans
- 6 Thrusters
- 6 Push Ups (Hands on Bar)

Not allowed to drop the bar until the push ups!!!
I did it with 40kg - my time 10.51 - felt like puking after round 3

19 April, 2013

Goat session today

Goat? you ask - Well it refers to skills that you haven't mastered yet

Todays WOD was (2 things)
20min Goat session
3 x 800m runs timed with 2min rest between

For the Goat session I worked on Muscle Up skills

and the 800m run - I did 800m Rowing (as my hamstring still not up to a sprint run...)

Weight this morning 89.7 (or was it 89.8?)


18 April, 2013

Am I going to do this thing seriously

So - weight today was same as yesterday...

And my injuries (Hamstring/Achilles) is getting better

If I'm going to get better at Crossfit then I need to double up some stuff - I need to practice/Workout at home at the end of the day.

AND, get my diet sorted in the evening.  I'm eating more than I need - not putting on weight but I should be closer to 85kg.  I think a realistic target is 84ish

Today's WOD  7 RFT
- 7  Deadlift (Rx 100kg)
- 7 "L" Pullups

My current injuries don't allow for any Rx Deadlifts... and as for L Pullups - very hard, so it was scaled all the way

60kg for the Deadlift, and green band pullups
Still it took me 11.38 to complete

17 April, 2013

Took the plunge

Yes - I finally jumped on the scales following Easter.....

90.5kg Sadly I expected this and I admit that I even thought it might be higher given my eating over the last 2 weeks

Crossfit this morning was good, but I'm not up for much with the strained hamstring and dodgy achilles

We did a skill session on Muscle Ups

The WOD : A 20 min AmRAP
- 2 MUs (or scaled 6 PUs + 6 BoxDips = 1 MU - so do this twice)
- 4 HSPUs
- 8 KB Swings

I nearly finished 5 rounds - mucked around a bit. The saw butt/hamstring stopped me from kipping hard and the PU's were all down in bits and pieces, otherwise everything else fine

16 April, 2013

Diet and strength

So, I'm changing my diet slightly.  I'm going to make sure I have more carbs (fruit and vege) during the day and hoping that this stops the crazy food munchies at the end of the day.

I started yesterday and didn't feel as hungry last night even after hockey (albeit not playing a full game or at the intensity I normally would)

The change... well for a start bananas during the day.  I have eggs in the morning and nuts/protein smoothie for lunch(made with coconut milk and some fruit) and I'm going to increase this by adding one or two bananas.  Plus the normal dinner meal.

Todays WOD - 7 sets of 3 OHS
We did a good warmup and the shoulders were well tired by the end of it

I max out at 50kg.  Given my current injuries of hamstring strain and Achilles tendon I thought that was fine...

11 April, 2013

Strength WOD "Lynne" today

5 rounds
- Body Weight Bench Press to max
- Strict Pullups to max

Well body weight meant 70kg and I managed sets of 6 and 7 for a total of 33 reps
and the pull ups were strict with a blue band for sets of 5 and 6 for a total of 30

Haven't weighed myself in a few weeks.  I know I have put some weight on....  need something to kick me into gear.  We are away in Auckland for the weekend so difficult being clean eating.  Probably get it together from next Monday

10 April, 2013

I'm going to struggle

The plan is is to do the WOD's as close to RX as I can.

This will mean that I wont finish many, but it will mean that I will be pushing my body harder.  This will apply to those WODs that are mostly Met Cons (Metabolic Conditioning) plus allowing me to get stronger.

Todays WOD was a good example

AQAP 25 min cut off
- 25 HSPU
- 50 Toes to Bar
- 200m Walking Lunges
- 75 Push Press 35kg
- 150 DU's

I didn't finish - was half way through Push-Press
I did do the HSPU's Rx with a kip.... while many did it scaled from a pike position off a box
I did the Toes to bar

So all good

09 April, 2013

Reebok Crossfit Canterbury team reults

Troy Gordon 524
Josh Heke 706
Brad Lenko 737
James O'Meeghan 879
Ben Green 1013
David Lindstrom 1129
Joel Dwyer 1193
Nira Ranasinghe 1560
John Thompson 1570
Jase Keen 1627
Reece Godinet 1924
Dan Moore 2161
Darryl Sutton 3252

Masters Men 40-44:
Paul Roser 58 (1153 worldwide)
 Aaron Duncan 201 (3267 worldwide)
Curtis Marsh 281 (4373 worldwide)

Masters Men 45-49:
Adrian Hewson 22 (666 worldwide)
Brian Reeves 160 (2903 worldwide)

Masters Men 50-54:
Peter Gallagher 21 (624 worldwide)

Tessa Te Kahu 129
Michelle Nixon 219
 Ebony Hornibrook 322
 Hannah Sjoberg 358
Kelly Cattell 499
Mils Lemalu 591
Kim Kubala 601
 Katie Muldrew 775
Teresa Butler 1026
 Shelley Crowe 1148
Alexis Gray 1974
shar davis 2197

Masters Women 50-54:
Marie Gregory-Hunt 16 (173 worldwide)

... and injurered

Played Hockey last night - warmed up and my ankle was feeling fine... But about 10mins in, the top of my hamstring blew up - strained and maybe a small tear - bugger So no Crossfit this morning, and maybe not tomorrow either

08 April, 2013

13.5 is done and the 2013 Games Open comp is over

Did I have fun - hell yes!!! I learnt a great deal about myself and teh fitness level that I could achieve, even in this old body I scored 44 - One complete round plus 14 Thrusters in 4 minutes. It was tough Started back into it again this morning - another great XF class small warm up then some skill work (Turkish get-ups and DUs) the WOD 20 min cut off - 400m run (I did a 400m row to ease my ankle) - 20 Turkish Get-Ups with 16kg kettle bell - 40 20kg plate thrusters - 50 Push Ups - 60 Sit ups - 90 DU's I DNF'd was into the DU's with attempts and probably got about 12 done...

04 April, 2013

03 April, 2013

Swollen bursa under the achilles tendon

This old injury is pissing me off. It feel like the tendon is being gripped as I try to extend my foot and walk. I'm getting a Ultra Scan on Friday to see what tissues are in play...

02 April, 2013

13.4 done!

So Easter started with doing the 13.4 Games WOD. 7 min of C&J and Toes to Bar ladder (steps of plus 3) I managed 40 reps. Very pleased with my C&J technique which saved my forearms from burning out. No other exercise over Easter. My archilles/ankle is very sore. I'm at the doctor now as I need to start the process of getting it fixed. Need that mobility Good but tough WOD this morning (5 rounds) - 7 MU - 21 SDHP Scaled the MU with 4 rounds of 6 PUs+6 Box Dips So I didn't quite make 3 rounds in the 15min cutoff Feelings little jaded as not much sleep