10 April, 2013

I'm going to struggle

The plan is is to do the WOD's as close to RX as I can.

This will mean that I wont finish many, but it will mean that I will be pushing my body harder.  This will apply to those WODs that are mostly Met Cons (Metabolic Conditioning) plus allowing me to get stronger.

Todays WOD was a good example

AQAP 25 min cut off
- 25 HSPU
- 50 Toes to Bar
- 200m Walking Lunges
- 75 Push Press 35kg
- 150 DU's

I didn't finish - was half way through Push-Press
I did do the HSPU's Rx with a kip.... while many did it scaled from a pike position off a box
I did the Toes to bar

So all good

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