22 April, 2013

ANZAC week - time to reflect (and look forward)

Nice weekend - albeit wet and cool
Kids finally away for the week.

Not sure what was happening with the eating yesterday - sporadic snacks until a planned evening meal of homemade Pasta with chicken/mushroom/bacon creamy soup thing

Weight this morning 89.4kg - so eating must have been OK !!

Monday WOD

Strength Session plus MetCon

Clean 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 1 - 1 - 1  - go for 1RM

For time 5 rounds
- 6 Deadlifts
- 6 Bent Over Rows (Underhand grip)
- 6 Power Cleans
- 6 Thrusters
- 6 Push Ups (Hands on Bar)

Not allowed to drop the bar until the push ups!!!
I did it with 40kg - my time 10.51 - felt like puking after round 3

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