19 March, 2013

Tuesday already!!!

Well this new week has rushed in already... Monday: 6.00am WOD 5 rounds for time with 15min cut-off - 15 Clean with split stance Rx 50kg, I did 40kg - 21 Pull Ups first round without band, and the rest with Only managed 4 rounds. The 15min cutoff was imposed to get two heats as the numbers too big to all be doing it at once... Weight: 88.1kg This morning (Tuesday) Strength Session 3 sets of 3 Press overhead and then Push Ups to failure My shoulder was feeling a little damaged from yesterday - only managed 55kg AQAP 3 rounds - 10 Thrusters Rx 60kg, i used 30kg - 50 DUs - I singled 150 time 6.40 Weight: 87.8

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