22 March, 2013

13.3 prep going badly

Started my DU Skipping practice last night. Lots of jumping etc and getting a flow on, but the elusive DU's in a row still not happening Some glimpss of progress, but... This morning woke with my right ankle Achilles all sore and slightly swollen. An old injury that haunts me.... So some drugs, and stretching and the mobility is coming back. 13.3 is AMRAP 150 Wall Balls 90 DUs 30 Muscle Ups A 12 min time limit My goal is to get through the DU's, but hey.... Initial plan 10 sets of 15 Wall Balls At this stage 9 sets of DU attempts in a 1 DU and 1 SU pattern - will see what I can master today Will I get to MU's - probably not, but if I work on loosening up the calf muscle and a bit more practice then the DU's are possible My weight 88.0kg - that pint of beer and chips .....

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