05 March, 2013

argh - Tuesday

Crossfit Open starts later this week.

We get it Thursday afternoon at 2.00pm  13.1 ??

today - 20 min AMRAP
- 20 lunges holding 20kg plate overhead
- 20 24kg Kettle Bell swings
- 20m "Farmers" Walk holding  2 20kg plates (one in each hand ) by squeezing plate between fingers

I would have RX'd this but the Farmers Walk a bit tooo hard... The amount of squeeze needed was huge - it realy slowed some of the young fit guys.  I did it with 10kg plates and went OK - probably could have done it with 15kg plates but they were all taken

I managed 5 complete rounds and 20 + 7
Fantastic sweat!!

Weight this morning 88.4  - good maintenance. I think I would have to get strict with my evening diet to really knock this number down

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