24 March, 2013

Day after 13.3

13.3 was a lot harder than expected... 150 Wall Balls took me 11min 11sec I started well with a set of 25, then trying to repeat that got to 15 (total of 40) and I felt sick at the thought of not being even a third of the way through... So sets of 10 with short rests - this took up lots of time.... I did set out to not drop the ball - so I didn't expect for one missed catch Managed 8 double skips in the remaining time. If I had another minute then I could have bashed quite a few of these... Oh well, lets hope the others in my age group struggled with this Final score 158... And today, my thighs are really sore, and around my shoulders and back.... My ankle held up well, but this maybe cause I didn't get much time on the skipping. Diet wise, It's been a couple of bad days... So from tomorrow it's staying real clean, and keep the energy levels high for 13.4 which we are doing Thursday night before Easter... Ciao

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