11 March, 2013

Crossfit Games 13.1

Really enjoyed my Saturday 13.1 WOD

17 min cutoff
40 Burpees / 30 Snatch 35kg
30 Burpees / 30 Snatch 60kg
20 Burpees / 30 Snatch 75 kg
10 Burpees / AMRAP 95kg...

It was tough and I learnt a few things....  Better preparation!!!  Even though the second weight was a PR for me - it was possible that I could have done a few of these - I had enough time

I got up to 100 reps (40 + 30 + 30)  and had more than 6 minutes remaining.  I tried a few at 60 but no good.  Later watching others do this weight I realised that I wasn't using a good technique - in fact very bad.  The 35kg weight can sucker you into poor form as its a relatively easy weight to snatch.

Anyway - I'm happy

Today (Monday)
12 - 15 - 9  did it with 45kg (Rx was 52...)
- Power Cleans
- Thrusters

My time 10.54

Weight this morning 89.0kg  - OK lets get this down - I suspect I'll want to be lighter for the next 4 Game WODs

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