24 September, 2012

New week

Second week on the new regime of 5 days of exercise (3 x Crossfit, 2 x Running)
and I'll weigh myself mid-week thanks very much!!

Todays WOD - 2 part
Strength - Deadlifts 3 sets of 5 - getting weight near PB
I got it up to 120kg.  If the reps had been lower I probably could have done my PB(125kg) or higher
Anyway 5 reps of 120 had me puffing

AQAP 5 rounds  - I used a 40kg bar for all the squats
- 3 OH Squats
- 6 Front Squats
- 9 Back Squats
- 12 Situps

My time 13min 51sec.  Its a few hours later and my thighs know I've done a good workout.  It will be interesting how they feel on my run tomorrow.


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