07 September, 2012

Managed an Early Bird one for a change

Seems a while since I attended a 6.00am Workout.

Oh well - I had only been to one other session this week and this looked like the only way I was going to get another one in.

Two part Crossfit class today after the usual warmup stuff

First part
3 - 3 - 3+ Back Squats - target weight was about 85% of maximum single
Did a number of sets to build up the weight. We weren't allowed to change the weight once we started the sets proper.  I worked it up to 80kg - my PB for this is 95kg (85% is 80.75kg...)
The 3+ set I managed 9 reps

Second part
10 min AMRAP - well actually it was see how far you get...
- 3 Thrusters (30kg)
- 3 Chest to Bar (CTB)
- 6 Thrusters
- 6 CTB
- 9 Thrusters
- 9 CTB
- 12 Thrusters
- 12 CTB
- 15 Thrusters
- 15 CTB  - as far as I got...
- 18...etc
- 21...etc

The end of the round was 21 - a good cardio finisher

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