10 September, 2012

Interesting start to this week

Did Crossfit at Lunchtime.

After the warmup we got started on the WOD stuff.  Lots of confusion by the class as to what Coach Nira wanted us to do.  Coach changed what was on the board and not everyone understood.

Anyway - it was a weights session

Power Clean 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1  Supposed to be a lift every 2:30 Nira changed this to a 10 mins get the max lift you can do...

I focused on technique and only got up to 60kg - I know my PB is 70 but the technique needed to get better

Press-Jerk (That's a jerk of the weight from shoulders to over head) 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1
I got this to 60kg as well - showd I should have done 70kg for the Power Clean... oh well

Then as a finisher - take the two weights and drop it to 50% of each
and do two tabata of each
Tabata 30kg Press-Jerk
Tabata 30kg Power Clean

The finisher got the heart rate up and ended the class on a good note

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