26 September, 2012

Nearly Rx'd it

Great Class this morning.

More weighted strict pull-ups - 3 sets of 3.  Trouble is I can barely do these with just my body weight.  However, I can see that I'm getting stronger - so carry on...

WOD - AMRAP 20min
- 1 x Rope Climb
- 10 x Pull Ups
- 20 Push Ups
- 30 Double Unders (or 90 singles for scale)

I'm still struggling with double unders but managed to to the rest without scale options.
4 complete rounds

By the start of the 3rd and 4th the rope climb was looking difficult/risky  I had ripped some skin off my thumb coming down on the first one and the arms were feeling it

Anyway - very pleased that I nearly Rx'd this WOD - I should gt a skipping rope for home and start practicing the skill..

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