20 September, 2012

Lonely without me?

Hi, (who am I kidding - I'm the only one reading these...)

Anyway - I have been Crossfitting, plus...
I did a class last Friday 14/9th  , Monday, and yesterday Wednesday.  All of these were 6.00am
On Tuesday morning and this morning I went for a run.  Both these runs were hill running on tracks.  I enjoy this style of running more than street/side walk stuff.

Our new puppy's schedule will allow me to get up at 5.30am and either run or go to a Crossfit class.  That is provided Lachie (puppy's name) gets up then too - I take him outside and he gets busy with Number 1s and 2s... then he can jump up on the bed and snuggle with Michele for the last part of hr sleep.  Michele's alarm goes off at 6.30 however she stays in bed til just after 7.00, by which time I'm back home

Weight this morning 89.5kg  Still better than I thought given the cakes and biscuits I have been eating...

Crossfit WODs have been fun

I'll get back to describing each of these in future, however sorry I can't be arsed writing the last 3 down - You just have to trust me...  :-)


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