05 November, 2013

Great met-con/endurance WOD this morning

Weight 88.8kgs

Cooked a nice tea last night.  Crumbed fish(Monkfish).  Made my own crumb from gluten free crusts that we had plus one slice of normal bread - added seasoning parsley and chicken salt - yum  Meal finished off with rice salad, Green Salad, and oven bake potato wedges

This morning (6.00am)
Strength/Skill - Power Clean / Split Jerk
Class was a bit muddled with a few beginners mixed in with "performance" crossfitters

WOD - 21-15-9  (20min cut)
Power Cleans (rx 60kg) I used 50kg
after each of the 3 rnds
- 400m run
- 20 Pull Ups

time: 18.30

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