18 November, 2013

Big Weekend

Monday now - Just had a 3 day weekend -Tramping for 2 days

Thursday last week was a 6.00am session at the gym
Can't remember what it was now - weight was 89.4 I think

Then early start Friday - heading off to the first days' walk/tramp
Weight 89.2 - good start...
Shortish walk - pleasant

Then Saturday - 7 hours (4 hours in, and 3 back)
Lots of fuel - nuts, banana, whey protein, eggs, Crispie Biscuits, and dyhration lollies, plus various jet planes, snakes and assorted lollies - drank 1.5litres of water
The couple of pints of beer went down so fast....
Stayed with beer the rest of the night etc

Finished up "6-dice Champion"

This morning:
Strength session - Strict Press 42.5 kg

- 12 KB Swings 24kg
- 10 Push Press - 40kg
- 8 Burpee Box Jumps

time 11.29

and weight 89.0   very good

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