01 November, 2013

Friday - arghhhhh

Did the TCI training last night.
It was Power Cleans, Back Squat, Bench Press, Dead Lift
Arrived late so didn't get to much on Power Clean - posted 75kg...
Back Squat 120kg nice - good form
Bench Press 90kg - matched my PR
Dead Lift 160kg - matched my PR

Not a bad effort

Today (Friday) did the Lunchtime class
Strength session was 3RM Push-Jerk
Got it up to 80kg

then the WOD "Nancy" 5 RFT  (20min cut)
- 400m Run
- 15 OH Squats  Rx 40kg

Rx'd it time 18.41  nice (Other young blokes scaled with 20kg bar...)

Weight this morning 88.6

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