04 June, 2013

Short Week - Queens Birthday

So its Tuesday.

I did go to the Monday holiday WOD at 9.00
A Team exercise - like a usual Saturday
Long warmup then Wall Ball - Burpees 7 rounds 2min on/1min off
Teamed up with a young irishman Mike - we managed more than 30 Wallballs per round average

Today (Tuesday)

WOD 2 RFT  20 min cut off
- 75 DU's (I did the 225 singles - my DU's not quite there, but soon...)
- 50 OHS (Rx 45/30) I did the womens weight of 30kg
- 25 Pull Ups - did all these without scaling

time: 18.25

No weight this morning - I fear that all the eating M and I did this weekend will make the scales cry

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