19 June, 2013

missing in action...

Now Wednesday - I missed the Tuesday update - my bad!!


WOD: RFT (21- 15 - 9)  18min cut
- 400m run
- 21 Hang clean then thruster
- 400m run
- 15 Hang clean then thruster
- 400m run
- 9 Hang clean then thruster

Coach looked at the weight we put on the bar - made us do a front squat - if too easy then RX !!
mmm so RX for me - 50kg !!
Thighs were hurting the next day
I think my time was 17.20 - I finished last geez

Weight 89.7


WOD: AMRAP 20min cut
- 20 Push Ups
- 60 Double Unders

Woop woop - I Rx'd it DU's all the way - 5 complete rounds plus the 6th PU's plus about 15 DU's

Weight: 89.4

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