14 December, 2012

Paleo Challenge Day 40

Day 39 Review

Breakfast: 2 egg omelette etc
AM Snack: Carrots and nuts
Lunch: Half the smoothie (Frozen Berries, Fresh Mint, Whey Protein, Coconut sugar)
PM Snack: The other half of Smoothie
Dinner: Lamb chop, and chicken kebabs, green salad stuff

Played Hockey last night

Points: Food 4 Water 1 = 5

Day 40
Started with Crossfit - a little tight in the hips and shoulders

Strength/technique training
6 sets of 3 movement snatch (from hip, mid-thigh, and below knee)

A drill - need to work on speed upwards with bar and diving under to catch at near full squat position etc etc

WOD - No time recorded today
15 - 12 - 9 reps
- Box Jumps (I still using 24")
- Weighted Lunges (40kg)
- Snatch Grip Push-Press, hold at top for 2sec (again 40kg)

A good WOD, took me about 10min - got a sweat up...

Weight this morning 84.3 ....

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