04 December, 2012

Paleo Challenge Day 30

Day 29 review
Breakfast: 2 eggs omelette etc
AM Snack: Apple
Lunch: Strawberries and nuts and a few grapes
PM Snack: Apple
Dinner: Cold chicken and green salad

Points: Food 4 Water 1 and Crossfit 1 = 6

Day 30
No crossfit this morning but I am signed in for lunchtime class
Did a 34min run on an uphill track this morning - felt OK - a few walking bits....

Weight this morning - still 84.9

I'll edit this later with the Crossfit details
>>>> Around 5.00pm
Lunchtime WOD

Strength Session (actually mostly skills)
6 sets of 2 position clean and then jerk (Waist and mid-thigh)
I started with 40kg and over the 6 sets moved it up to 55kg

It was good to do this as I'm getting better at diving under the bar to catch the weight in the front squat position before the lift up.

- once only 200m run
- 20 box jumps 24" (RX was 30" - I tried one and I think over 20 I would damage myself...)
- 10 Knees To Elbows (KTE)

Managed 4 complete rounds plus 7 KTE - big sweat!!

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