03 December, 2012

Paleo Challenge Day 29 (days 26,27, and 28 in review)

Day 26 Review - Friday

Breakfast: 2 egg usual,
AM Snack: Apple
Lunch: nuts and grapes
PM Snack: Nothing - forgot to take something back to work)
Dinner: 2 eggs and strawberries

Points: Food 4 and water 1 = 5

Day 27 Review - Saturday
Breakfast: 2 eggs
During the day: (at cricket)  2 apples, nuts, and water
Dinner: BBQ chicken and sausages with a pineapple chilli dressing

Points: Food 4 Water 1 = 5

Day 28 Review - Sunday
Breakfast: nothing really - got up late
Near lunch - 2 eggs omelette
PM snack: grapes
Dinner: BBQ chicken and sausages and Green salad
Late snack: Strawberries and nuts

Went for a run up the gorse track.  do I get an extra exrcise point?

Points: Food 4 water 1 and the run 1 = 6...

Day 29 - today
Crossfit this morning

Strength Session
3 sets 1 rep max Overhead Squat
Cool! - PR 62.5kg

WOD - AQAP (15min cutoff) 5 Rounds
- 3 Deadlifts 110% BW - I did it with 90kg (106% of my BW)
- 6 Hand Stand Push Ups - I used a 10kg plate and ab mat
- 12 Wallballs (8/9kg)

Time 8.54 - nearly at RX for this

Weight this morning 84.9!!!!

so - target for this week - less than 83.5 - I think I need to add a couple of runs to the weeks exercise program.....

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