12 December, 2012

Paleo Challenge Day 38

Day 37 Review

Breakfast: 2 egg omelette etc
Am Snack: Carrots and nuts
Lunch: Berry Smoothie (with Whey, Coconut sugar and fresh mint, frozen berries) Yum
PM Snack: ....
Dinner: Mince done in patties with egg, and fresh herbs from garden and seasoning - plus green salad again
Late snack: strawberries/grapes and nuts

Points: Food 4 Water 1 Crossfit 1 = 6

Day 38...
Paleo WOD !!
- 7 Thrusters 40kg
- 7 Box Jumps 24"
- 7 Push Ups
- 7 Pull Ups
- 200m run

me... 3 rounds plus Thrusters-Box Jumps- Push Ups, and 2 PullUps
Yes an improvement - was hoping to bust out a complete 4th round...
The issue for me (at nearly 50) is the max heart rate.  This workout lifts your heart rate up to near max and keeps it there.  10min is short enough that you have to push and push

Some plus's - the Pull Ups were fantastic!! - manged 7 in a row each time (the 3 rounds) cool!!!

Weight this morning: 85.0kg  basically the same (actual weight yesterday was 84.95.... :) )

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