28 November, 2012

Paleo Challenge Day 24

Day 23 review

Paleo food day all the way...
Breakfast: Usual 2 eggs etc
AM Snack: Apple
Lunch: small bowl of nuts and grapes
PM Snack: Apple
Dinner: repeat of breakfast - couldn't arsed cooking anything else
Late snack: another apple (ha)

Points: Food 4 Water 1 = 5

Day 24
Started with Crossfit at 6.00am

Skill Session
Handstand Push Ups - every min, on the min for 12 minutes
The rep count was up to us - so I picked 4 - did total of 48 Cool and scaled with a 10kg plate

- 2min DoubleUnders
- 2min Situps
- 90sec DUs
- 90sec Situps
- 30sec DUs
- 30sec Situps
with 30 sec rest between each - count total number of each I did 40 DU attempts and 88 Situps

Starting to get the DU's but still hard work....

Weight this morning 86.6kg - ok back on track....

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