19 November, 2012

Paleo Challenge Day 15

Day 14 review - well I wrote this at the end of the day.... so see previous post
2nd Week point 33 and maybe another 2 if team mates did No TV Challenge

Day 15
Crossfit at 6.00am

Strength/Skills session
12 min (on each minute)
- Snatch from Waist
- Snatch from Hang
I used the 20kg bar for half then added another 5kg
Tricky - all about the speed of getting under the bar - good skill session

WOD 3 rounds for time (20min cutoff)
- 50 Air Squats
- 7 Muscle Ups (I scaled this with 36 Dumbell Thrusters 12.5kg Dumbells - shit that was hard)
- 10 Power Cleans (I used 40kg)

I finished bang on 20.00min !!! Sweat pouring off me

Weight this morning 86.9kg - lost 1.0kg for the week  (93.5 - 86.9) 6.6 kgs in 2 weeks
Weight loss slowing down a I suspected...

big salad for lunch today - looking forward to that

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