14 November, 2012

Paleo Challenge Day 10

Day 9 review

Breakfast: 2 egg omelette with mushrooms - yep I like simplicity and consistency, makes it easy
AM Snack: Apple
Lunch: Bowl of mixed nuts and grapes
PM Snack Apple and Orange
Dinner: Chicken stir fry veges with packet Asian sauce - so I lose a point.  Then later some Caveman Crunch and grapes/watermelon

Water - 2 litres

Day 9 points - food 3 and water 1 = 4

Day 10 start...
Crossfit at 6.00am

After warmup
it was 10min to do 1 rep max Clean
teamed up with Andy and managed a Personal Best 75kg - technique getting better...

WOD 5 rounds AQAP
- 1 Snatch
- 7 Push Press with snatch grip from back
- 7 Overhead Squats

Intense - I did it with 30kgs  The OH Squats are a killer
Time: 7.21  sweet

Weight this morning: 87.2kg same as yesterday....

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