21 November, 2012

Paleo Challenge Day 17

Day 16 Review
Breakfast: Same 2 egg omelette (yep its easy to do tasy and no hassles...)
AM Snack: Apple - easy
Lunch: Bowl of mixed nuts and grapes
PM Snack: Apple
Dinner:  Butter chicken mix (packet sauce...) Broccoli and carrots
Late snack - nuts and grapes - shouldn't have had these but felt hungry...

Food points one slip so 3 and water 1 = 4

Day 17 Crossfit today at 6.00am

Strength session:  3 sets of 5 reps Overhead Squats
Got it through to 55kg !! close to my 1 rep max

WOD: 15 - 12 - 9 AQAP (15min cutoff)
- Lunges with overhead weight 20kg
- Chest to bar (I scaled it to pull-ups NO BAND !!)
- 50 Double Unders (scaled to 150 singles)

My time: 10.19

Weight this morning 87.2kg  the food slips yesterday cost me here....

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