18 November, 2012

Paleo Challenge Day 14

Day 14 (Sunday) - end of second week

A tough week - weight staying very flat - but energy levels OK...

Food today:
Well we got up after 10.30 - a good sleep in
So lunch was mix of nuts and dried cranberries and this on/off during the afternoon visit to Mum and Dad

6.30pm snack of mixed nuts (Walnuts, Almonds, Raw Cashews, Macadamia) and grapes - small desert bowl of this

I'll finish my food today with a couple of eggs as didn't have any all day so far...

So Food points 4 and water - still drinking but will have put 2.0liters away before bedtime 1 = 5

Weight this morning was same as yesterday 87.9

Goal for this week - get the weight done into the lower 85s

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