30 November, 2012

Paleo Challenge Day 26

Day 25 review

Breakfast: 2 egg usual
AM Snack: Apple
Lunch: Nuts and some grapes
PM Snack: Apple
Dinner:  Roast Lamb and Broccoli Courgette Carrots and a couple of kumura(oops) - probably ate too much lamb

Played Hockey last night - lots of good energy, even after the "Chelsea" WOD that morning!!!

Points:  Food  3 Water 1 Crossfit 1 (thats 3 for the week) = 5

Day 26

Crossfit this morning
Strength Session
Team Heavy Tire lift sprint - in teams of 3 - 2 x 30m
A bit of fun - cold and fingers were all blue

WOD - Interval Running with 90 sec rest
- 200m
- 400m
- 800m
- 1000m
- 800m
- 400m
- 200m

my times from a sketchy memory: 32sec, 1.07, 2.41, 3.32, 2.44, 53sec, 31sec - Total 12.00min
3.8km !!  Coach made us do a 400m as part of warmup as well  so total for today 4.2km

Weight this morning: 86.6 - same as - probably the lamb!!

29 November, 2012

Paleo Challenge Day 25

Day 24 review (Wednesday)
Breakfast: Usual 2 egg omelette etc
AM Snack: Pear
Lunch: Nuts and apple
PM Snack: Apple
Dinner: Sausage meatballs and green salad - tomato sauce was from bought jar!!
Late snack: Pear  (Yum)

Food points better be 3 I suppose, Water 1 and Crossfit 1 = 5

Day 25

Started with an extra Crossfit class - wouldn't usually do a thursday morning but was feeling good
Strength Session 3 sets of 3 reps weighted strict pull ups
I did it with Body Weight only using under hand grip - getting better at this

WOD 30 min of "Chelsea" on the min (as in a Chelsea every minute)
- 5 Pull Ups
- 10 Push Ups
- 15 Air Squats

Count what min you got through to then rest and start again....
After the 15th min Coach allowed Do it one min and rest the next(Alternate mins...)

I got through to round 8 - it was hard I only had 10sec rest before the start of the next minute so heart rate was up high without pause basically - I rested for 3 rounds then started the alternate mins
So I think I did 18 "Chelsea's"  That's 90 Pull Ups (No Band Yahoo!)  180 Pushups, 270 Squats

Weight: 86.6  - same as yesterday

28 November, 2012

Paleo Challenge Day 24

Day 23 review

Paleo food day all the way...
Breakfast: Usual 2 eggs etc
AM Snack: Apple
Lunch: small bowl of nuts and grapes
PM Snack: Apple
Dinner: repeat of breakfast - couldn't arsed cooking anything else
Late snack: another apple (ha)

Points: Food 4 Water 1 = 5

Day 24
Started with Crossfit at 6.00am

Skill Session
Handstand Push Ups - every min, on the min for 12 minutes
The rep count was up to us - so I picked 4 - did total of 48 Cool and scaled with a 10kg plate

- 2min DoubleUnders
- 2min Situps
- 90sec DUs
- 90sec Situps
- 30sec DUs
- 30sec Situps
with 30 sec rest between each - count total number of each I did 40 DU attempts and 88 Situps

Starting to get the DU's but still hard work....

Weight this morning 86.6kg - ok back on track....

27 November, 2012

Paleo Challenge Day 23

Day 22 Review

Last day for Micheles parent stay.... - Been difficult food and living wise - routine out the door

Breakfast: 2 egg omelette etc
AM Snack: Apple
Lunch: 2 eggs and bacon and espresso at Drexels with Michele and her parents
PM Snack: Apple
After work I felt hungry and had some nuts and grapes, (probably too many) but I needed something
Dinner - went out as it was Harveys 72nd birthday to Lone Star.  I had the Pork ribs (9 of them) plus some coleslaw - plus a taste of his pavola

Food points: only 3 water 1 and crossfit 1 = 5
food was paleo but too much and not at right times of day...

Day 23
No exercise this morning - legs feel better and will be good as by tonight

Didn't weigh myself today - I know it would be bad - so today - back on it - plan to have green salad for lunch etc and a light dinner
Fingers crossed for tomorrows visit to the scales....

26 November, 2012

Paleo Challenge Day 22 Week 4 started

Day 22
Started with Crossfit

Strength session
3 sets of 3 reps Front Squat
Mxxed out at 75kg - legs sore from Saturday!!!

WOD AQAP 5 rounds
- 15 Deadlifts 60kg
- Toes to Bar

time: 15.26

Weight this morning 87.1 kg (after 3 weeks 6.4kg off - so nearly 7.4)

Well I am paying for the loose control of my diet yesterday - I had maintained 86.1 into sunday morning... but the day worked against me

Paleo Challenge Day 21 (end of 3rd week)

Day 20 review

Food: all over the place....
Breakfast (around 9.30) 2 eggs omelette roll
AM Snack, and Lunch and PM Snack (All during cricket): 2 apples, 2 oranges and nuts...
Dinner: Porterhouse steak and 2 sausages and green salad
Late snack after coming back from Band Concert : Fruit salad with some yoghurt (Yum)

Points: Food 4 water 1 = 5

Day 21 (Sunday)

Late-ish start.  The family went for breakfast at Joes Garage in Sumner
I had a flat white, mushrooms bacon eggs and a small amount of bread(argh)
No lunch - but did get started on water
Went to Mum and Dads for afternoon tea - another coffee and som egrapes
Dinner: Cold meats, and green salad and some Crumbed Fish fillets from a box - not so good, and a small glass of red wine

Points: Food only 2 just, water 1 = 3

 End of 3rd Week Point total: 34

Paleo Challenge Day 20

Day 19 review (Friday)

Food: 2 eggs etc
AM Snack: Apple
Lunch: Grapes and nuts
PM Snack:  Missed it!
Dinner: Eye Fillet and green salad with a side of bacon YUM!!

2 litres of water

Points: Food 4 Water 1 Crossfit 1 = 6

Day 20 (Saturday)

Did Crossfit at 8.00am
Team WOD

Wall Balls
OH 20kg Lunges
Rowing machine

Killer on the thighs and butt (they were sore the next day and today(mon) too)

Weight 86.1  cool....

23 November, 2012

Paleo Challenge Day 19

Day 18 review

Breakfast: 2 egg omelette etc
AM Snack: Apple
Lunch: Bowl of nuts and grapes and Apple
PM Snack:...  Nothing really
Dinner: 2 egg roll
After Hockey: a few grapes and an orange

2.0litre of water
Points: Food 4 Water 1 = 5

Day 19

Crossfit this morning

Skills/Strength Session
3 Sets of 3 rep Weighted Strict Pullups
I scaled this to Ring pullups with feet on a box - Still need more strength in my back and shoulders to dp strict pullups...

WOD 5 rounds
- 1 min Walking Handstands (attempts)
- 1 min Lowering down Pullups (Step up to the top position and lower your self down
- 1 min Burpees
- 90sec rest

Had the heart racing, this one did
Count the burpees: 16,17, 16, 16, 17 = 82

Then we did a short circuit - A good Friday class!!

Weight this morning: 86.5kg   (7.0kgs lost so far...)

22 November, 2012

Paleo Challenge Day 18

Day 17 review

Breakfast: Omelette etc
AM Snack: Apple
Lunch: Medium sized Green salad with raw cashews and grapes
PM Snack: Apple
Diner: Roast Chicken, salad and later a small bowl of grapes, cashews and almonds

Water: 2.0 litres

Points: Food 4 water 1 and Crossfit 1 = 6

Today - Day 18.  No Crossfit today but have a game of hockey tonight at 7.15 and walk the dog at lunchtime

Weight this morning: 87.2 again!!!

21 November, 2012

Paleo Challenge Day 17

Day 16 Review
Breakfast: Same 2 egg omelette (yep its easy to do tasy and no hassles...)
AM Snack: Apple - easy
Lunch: Bowl of mixed nuts and grapes
PM Snack: Apple
Dinner:  Butter chicken mix (packet sauce...) Broccoli and carrots
Late snack - nuts and grapes - shouldn't have had these but felt hungry...

Food points one slip so 3 and water 1 = 4

Day 17 Crossfit today at 6.00am

Strength session:  3 sets of 5 reps Overhead Squats
Got it through to 55kg !! close to my 1 rep max

WOD: 15 - 12 - 9 AQAP (15min cutoff)
- Lunges with overhead weight 20kg
- Chest to bar (I scaled it to pull-ups NO BAND !!)
- 50 Double Unders (scaled to 150 singles)

My time: 10.19

Weight this morning 87.2kg  the food slips yesterday cost me here....

20 November, 2012

Paleo Challenge Day 16

Day 15 review
Breakfast: 2 egg omelette Mashrroms etc
AM Snack: Apple
Lunch: Chicken/Green Salad - very nice.  Dressing of Grapeseed Oil.  Put some chopped mint and basil freash from our garden which lifted it heaps
PM Snack: Apple
Dinner: (Spaghetti Bolognese) I ate the mince component and green salad plus some grapes as a snack and some cheese

Food I'll go with a 3 as used tomato sauce  and Water 1 = 4
plus Crossfit 1

Day 16 started
A sore knee is slowing me down so I cancelled the class for this morning

Weight this morning: 86.9kg - OK holding it there is good

19 November, 2012

Paleo Challenge Day 15

Day 14 review - well I wrote this at the end of the day.... so see previous post
2nd Week point 33 and maybe another 2 if team mates did No TV Challenge

Day 15
Crossfit at 6.00am

Strength/Skills session
12 min (on each minute)
- Snatch from Waist
- Snatch from Hang
I used the 20kg bar for half then added another 5kg
Tricky - all about the speed of getting under the bar - good skill session

WOD 3 rounds for time (20min cutoff)
- 50 Air Squats
- 7 Muscle Ups (I scaled this with 36 Dumbell Thrusters 12.5kg Dumbells - shit that was hard)
- 10 Power Cleans (I used 40kg)

I finished bang on 20.00min !!! Sweat pouring off me

Weight this morning 86.9kg - lost 1.0kg for the week  (93.5 - 86.9) 6.6 kgs in 2 weeks
Weight loss slowing down a I suspected...

big salad for lunch today - looking forward to that

18 November, 2012

Paleo Challenge Day 14

Day 14 (Sunday) - end of second week

A tough week - weight staying very flat - but energy levels OK...

Food today:
Well we got up after 10.30 - a good sleep in
So lunch was mix of nuts and dried cranberries and this on/off during the afternoon visit to Mum and Dad

6.30pm snack of mixed nuts (Walnuts, Almonds, Raw Cashews, Macadamia) and grapes - small desert bowl of this

I'll finish my food today with a couple of eggs as didn't have any all day so far...

So Food points 4 and water - still drinking but will have put 2.0liters away before bedtime 1 = 5

Weight this morning was same as yesterday 87.9

Goal for this week - get the weight done into the lower 85s

Paleo Challenge Day 13

Already mentioned Day 12 in last post...

Day 13 (Saturday)

Breakfast: 2 eggs omelette with Mushrooms/Parmesan
Am Snack: Nothing
Lunch: Mixed nuts and grapes
PM Snack: Orange/Apple
Dinner:  Mince in hamberger form made my daughter - all paleo thankfully, Green salad no dressings
Late snack on nuts and grapes

Got through my 2 litres of water
Food points 4 and water 1 = 5

Weight measured in the morning: 87.9....  I suppose the Indian did it !!!

Paleo Challenge Day 12

Day 11 review (Thursday)

Started the 24 Hour No TV Challenge
Played Hockey in the evening - Then Band Practice

Breakfast: 2 egg omelette with Mushrooms/Parmesan
AM Snack: Apple
Lunch: Mix of Nuts and Grapes
PM Snack: Apple
Dinner: 2 eggs omelette
No late snack

Had the 2.0litres of water

Score today Food 4 and water 1 = 5

Day 12
Up early to head for Hanmer
Exercise today was a 5 hour tramp up Mt Isobel at Hanmer
I took two apples a mandarin and bag of mixed nuts - It kept the energy up
I also took 2.25 litres of water in a hydration pack but only got through 1.25l during the walk so had to keep the water going later into the evening

Later we had Indian takeaways with the friends from the walk - No Alcohol !!! but did have the indian and tried to limit the rice

Food score on day 12 - a 2 and water a 1 = 3

But did complete the 24 hour no TV Challenge

Weight at beginning of Day 12 87.4

15 November, 2012

Paleo Challenge - Day 11

Day 10 review

Not a good day - a couple of Paleo slips (Kumura and vanilla essence/honey)
So food points only 2 !!  And my weight gone up a little to 88.0kg !!!

Breakfast: 2 egg omelette with mushrooms etc (same old thing)
AM Snack: apple
Lunch: Caveman Crunch - Not completely paleo - so slip onne and I don't think I ate enough
PM Snack: Apple
Dinner: Roast Chicken, Green salad, pumpkin, Broccoli, carrots, and kumura!!  and I had a late snack of some nuts and grapes... - Serving size was too large - the chicken was so nice and the roast veg too tempting....

Points today: Food 2 Water 1, and Crossfit 1 = 4

Day 11 - No exercise yet today - game of hockey tonight, and tomorrow I have a 4+ hour tramp up Mt Isobel near Hanmer

14 November, 2012

Paleo Challenge Day 10

Day 9 review

Breakfast: 2 egg omelette with mushrooms - yep I like simplicity and consistency, makes it easy
AM Snack: Apple
Lunch: Bowl of mixed nuts and grapes
PM Snack Apple and Orange
Dinner: Chicken stir fry veges with packet Asian sauce - so I lose a point.  Then later some Caveman Crunch and grapes/watermelon

Water - 2 litres

Day 9 points - food 3 and water 1 = 4

Day 10 start...
Crossfit at 6.00am

After warmup
it was 10min to do 1 rep max Clean
teamed up with Andy and managed a Personal Best 75kg - technique getting better...

WOD 5 rounds AQAP
- 1 Snatch
- 7 Push Press with snatch grip from back
- 7 Overhead Squats

Intense - I did it with 30kgs  The OH Squats are a killer
Time: 7.21  sweet

Weight this morning: 87.2kg same as yesterday....

13 November, 2012

Paleo Challenge Day 9

Day 8 review

Breakfast: 2 egg omelette with mushrooms  and Parmesan
AM Snack: -None as in client meeting all morning and all I had access to was my water...
Lunch: (done in two bites !) Apple first then walked the Dog.  After that a bowl of mixed nuts and grapes - the last about 2.00pm
PM Snack:(About 6.00pm!!) Apple and a bag of mixed nuts- rushing to take my son to his squash
Dinner: Ate another Apple and a 2 egg omelette - this around 8.20pm...

So a full on Paleo day albeit at various time....
Had my full 2.0 litres of water

Day 9 Crossfit

Muscle Session
Muscle-Up Progression - essentially how to get started on doing Muscle-Ups on rings
Tough using the "false-grip"

WOD - AQAP 3 rounds, 20min cut off
- 20 Dumbbell Hanging clean thrusters - I used 10kg DBs
- 20 Kettle Bell Swings - I used the 16kg
- 20 Pull Ups - I used a blue band
- 400m run

Hardly anyone finished it.... I manged 2 full rounds plus finished the KB Swings on the third

Weight this morning 87.2kg....

12 November, 2012

Paleo Challenge - Day 8

Day 7 review...

Well I have already written about this (see last post) last night as I lay in bed

Day 8 started with Crossfit

the WOD today was interesting...

3 x 10min "Death By..." 1st min do 1, 2nd min do 2, 3rd min do 3 etc to 10min

1. Box Dips
2. Strict Pullups(using band)
3. Hand Stand Push Ups

These were the scaled versions - I managed
1. 10
2. 6
3. 7

Big shoulder day but no sweating...

Weight this morning: 87.9kg  so after 7 days weight lost is (93.5 - 87.9) 5.6kgs

11 November, 2012

Paleo Challenge Day 7

Ok, a crazy day given the late start

Breakfast was at 11.00 2 eggs roll with one slice of bacon
PM snack  Apple and nuts
2nd PM snack. A flat white
Dinner.  Prawns, chicken thighs, and green salad, desert of strawberries and watermelon
Late snack.  Bowl of nuts and grapes

Points: food 3(being honest) and water (2 litres) 1 point total 4
Plus 3 f.or the week for 3crossfit classes

Hoping for another 5 if other two team mates did cold water challenge

Exercise today: One hour of Squash with Michele and mowed lawns.

mid-way through Day 7

Sundays are a tough schedule

When you sleep into near 11.00am and then have 5 small meals to fit in and have 2.0 litres of water...

I think the idea is that I will drop a meal but still basically eat and drink that same amount.

Weight this morning 87.9kg and starting to look and feel good about it!!

10 November, 2012

Paleo Challenge Day 6

Day 5 review

Breakfast 2 egg omelette with carrots and garlic
   Not as nice but didn't have any mushroom
AM snack. Apple
Lunch. 2 smallish Bowls of nuts and grapes
PM snack. Apple
Dinner. Steak, chicken thigh, and Green salad with Paleo dressing
Late snack. Bowl of grapes and nuts

Day 5 Points: food 4 water 1 = 5

Day 6....
More sleep last night.  Walked dog in morning
Weight 88.7 same as yesterday...

Day spent managing my sons cricket team
Breakfast. 2 egg omelette with old mushrooms I found and red pepper. Yum
No AM snack but breakfast was late and drinking water
Lunch.  Apple plus mix of nuts and grapes
PM snack.  Apple
Dinner.  Went out. Fennel salad with oranges in it, 3 tiger prawns done in garlic and chilli , and mushrooms stuffed with blue cheese.  All yum

I'll take a food 3 points for safety, water 1 = 4
Did my 1 min cold shower challenge, hope my teammates manage to get it done...

09 November, 2012

Paleo Challenge - Day 5

Day 4 review...

Similar day to tuesday food wise...
Breakfast: 2 egg omelet with Mushrooms and Parmesan
Am Snack: Apple
Lunch: Bowl of nuts and grapes and strawberries (yum yum)
PM Snack: Apple
Dinner: rushed for time so 2 egg omelet plain, with 3 left over chicken drumsticks
Late snack: small bowl of nuts and grapes plus a couple of small pieces of Blue and Gouda cheese(yum)

Yes - still managed the 2.0 litres of water, and did more as I played Hockey last night (awful game we got whipped 12-1)

So day 4 points: Food 4, Water 1 = 5  Cumulative total 17

Day 5 started with Crossfit

Strength Session: 3 sets of 1 rep max Thruster
pushed mine to 65kg - cool

WOD - "Fran"  AQAP 21 - 15 - 9
- Thrusters (Rx 40kg) I did it with 30kg
- Pullups (I used the Red band)

my time: 6.30

Weigh In: 88.7kg  (Had to look twice as I wasn't expecting that sort of drop...)

08 November, 2012

Paleo Challenge - Day 4

Day 3 Review

A good day !! 
Breakfast: 2 egg omelet with mushrooms and parmesan
AM Snack - Missed it as sipping water all day stopped the desire - oops
Lunch:  Bowl of mixed nuts(Walnuts, Macadamia, raw unsalted cashews and almonds) Grapes (Yum)
PM Snack: Apple
Dinner: Chicken drumsticks and stir-fry veges (My partner forgot to put some aside so they had packet sauce mixed in - so I lose a point...)
Late snack: Small bowl strawberries, some nuts and grapes

I did another 2.0litres of water
Points: Food: 3 + water 1 = 4 for day3

No exercise this morning.  Had thought abot another Crossfit but my body saying sleep in and rest
I do have Hockey tonight

Weight this morning:  89.8kg !!! thats 3.7kgs this week

Starting to think about the weekend and how to make sure I follow my food routine...

07 November, 2012

Paleo Challenge - Day 3

Day 2 review first...

A busy schedule but instead of eating crap I managed to stay strictly "caveman" and drank 2.0litres of water (on top a few coffees)
Breakfast: 2 egg omelet with mushrooms and sprinkle of Parmesan
AM Snack: Apple
Lunch: Bowl of Almonds, Walnuts, Macadamia, and Grapes 
PM snack: Apple again
Dinner: As I had 15 min to get it before heading out to school prize giving it was a repeat of breakfast
late snack: some almonds and grapes...

Day 2 score (4 + 1) 5

Post workout weight this morning.... 90.8kg  cool

Muscle Session:
3 Sets of 1 rep Push Press
my max today 65kg

WOD - AMRAP 10min (Paleo Benchmark WOD - so we do this one again in 6 weeks)
- 7 Thrusters 40kg
- 7 Push Ups
- 7 Box jumps  24"
- 7 Pull Ups
- 200m run

I managed 3 + 5 Thrusters
My technique and overall fitness will improve this and hopefully a big loss of weight too

I've done 3 Crossfit classes this week now so I get a bonus point which I will add tomorrow

06 November, 2012

Paleo Challenge - Day 2

Well not a bad start...

My weight this morning: 92.5 - dropped a kg since yesterday!!

Food diary: 5th November
Food:  Breakfast: 2 egg omelet with mushrooms and a sprinkle of Parmesan cheese + coffee
I use ghee as my cooking agent - nice butter taste
AM snack: Apple
Lunch: Bowl of mixed nuts (Walnuts, Almonds, Macadamia) plus a few grapes
PM Snack: Apple
Dinner: Nacho Mince (NO Nacho chips) with a bit of cheese on top - Did use a Tomato Sauce in a jar!!
late snack: handful of almonds

Didn't sleep too well - so getting the 7 hour sleep bonus points will be hard!!!

Points: 3

6th Nov Crossfit class
Strength Session 12 minutes of and on the minute
- Power Clean
- Hang clean squat
(I did this with 45kgs)

WOD AQAP 21 - 15 - 9 
- Hang Clean Squat
- Toes to Bar

My time 11.35 - very hard on my fore-arms today

Target today - Another 3 points from food choices and a point from 2litrs of water, and hopefully another from a 7 hour sleep!!

05 November, 2012

Paleo 6 Week Challenge - Started!!

OK - Been a BAD BAD food week culminating in a VERY BAD weekend.  Road trip to Dunedin over the last two days to pick up my daughter was fueled by takeaways and sweets in the car.....

OK - Last week I signed up for the 6 week Paleo challenge and it starts today.  Point scoring system to keep us on track.  Good thing as my weight this morning 93.5kg !!! OMG - I packed it on.  Seems my body is ideally suited to storing sugar and grains straight to fat... - My shirt and trousers are a little tighter than this time last week.

Did the 6.00am WOD this morning.  Knee was a little stiff and painful on certain exercises - hopefully no swelling into tomorrow...

Strength Session
3 Sets of 3 Reps Thrusters
I started on 40kg, then 55kg, and finished on 57.5

WOD - 3 rounds (18 min cutoff)
- 50 Air Squats
- 50 Situps
- 50 Double Unders (scale 150 singles - which I did)

My time: 16.56

02 November, 2012

Resting for the rest of the week

Its Friday.  I cancelled my Thursday and Friday Crossfit classes and my Hockey game last night.

I have been at home sorta sick for the last 2 days - Michele called it "Man-flu"  haha
My knee is still sore and has been quite painful so I better rest it and not jump around....

Haven't checked my weight - hoping that all good for resumption of normal exercise next week