30 August, 2012

Should have written this yesterday

I'm getting out of sync with my write ups.  Its now Thursday and I'm about to tell you about yesterdays Crossfit class

But the bad news - my weight this morning 89.2 shit - Its the eating at night that screws things up - the desire to snack is huge (and the glass of wine I shouldn't have had...) - So this morning I made myself a huge lettuce salad for lunch - and will be doing housework tonight to divert my attention from eating...

OK - yesterdays WOD 15 min AMRAP
- 5 Thrusters 40kg (Rx was 70 for men 43 for women)
- 1 Rope Climb

I managed 7 rounds.  My rope climb was "near" the top so a little scaled
Felt like my arms had been shredded

I have a huge problem with thrusters - the position of my hands on the bar from the squat position transferring to the push press is awkward.  The lack of flexibility in my wrists/shoulders is limiting my weight progression.  I can squat a much higher weight, and I can Push Press a much higher weight, but done together the hand position makes this hard

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