23 August, 2012

bloody impossible...

well nearly - we are told it can be done but only by the "pros"

Todays WOD AMRAP 10 minutes
- 60 Burpees over bar
- 30 OH Squats (Rx 55kg for men 40kg for women)
- 10 Muscle Ups

Not a chance !!!!
My scaled version
- 60 Burpees - OK
- 30 Overhead Squats 30kg
- 6 Pull ups + 6 Box Dips = One Muscle Up

NO ONE FINISHED !!!! AMRAP - they're having a laugh...
I nearly got to 2 Muscle Up equivalents

The Burpee involved jumping over the bar as you clapped above your head - that alone took more than 6 minutes.  I managed the OH Squats in 2 lots of 15 - I probably could have done 40kg on this

Anyway - it was fun and nice to see how it killed everyone. 

Weight today 88.5  (Seems Thursday is a day where not much changes from Wednesday)

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