09 August, 2012

Rx'd it - Just

Rx - refers to the "full prescription"  (as in not scaled back...)

I'm typing this about 30min afterwards and my hands/arms are still shaking and my legs feel dead!!

I just sneaked in under the time limit too...

AQAP 3 rounds (20 min cut-off)
200m sprint carrying medicine ball
20 24" box jumps
20 Kettle Bell swings (24kg)
20 Thrusters - 20kg (thats squat and then raise bar above head

My time 19.24
(Fastest guy was in under 11 min) - Well - I am 49 years OLD

Weight this morning 88.3 - up .4 from yesterday - I did quite a bit of red meat and more apples than normal...  Anyway the run this morning(6km) plus this WOD today nd the salad I'm just starting should put be back on downwards path...


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