12 February, 2013

Big week - attempting 5 classes - 2 down

Weight this morning.... 88.2kg   argh!!! want at least 86 and of course.... heading towards 82

 Yesterday it was 88.5

Yesterdays WOD - AQAP 7 rounds (10 min cutoff)
- 7 Front Squats
- 7 Chest To Bar

It was tough - times are geting shorted and the weight for Rx'ing is still up...
I did it with 50kg bar - Had to clean it from the floor - Did the Chest to bar without band so thats good
Rx was 80kg for men and 55kg for women !!!
My time 9.30ish

This mornings WOD "Elizabeth"  21 - 15 - 9  cut off 9.00min
- Cleans - did it with 40kg (Rx was 60/45)
- Ring Dips (I scaled to Box dips)

My time 7.47

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