28 February, 2013

Back in to it

A week off doesn't seem to make too much difference.

I have done 3 crossfit classes in a row and feel good. I'm tired after all the Dad stuff, however it is therapeutic.

This mornings WOD - all strength

Press 3 sets of 1 rep - find max  60kg - very hard - just arms/shoulders
Push-press 3 sets of 3 rep max 75.kg - the dip and drive really helps
Push-Jerk 3 sets of 5 rep max 75kg - 5 reps made it harder I failed on the 3rd set 5th rep going for 77.5...damn

No idea what my weight is at the moment... been eating all sorts over the last 2 weeks.  People feeding us etc


27 February, 2013

Been a sad week

My Father passed away last week.  He was 74 and an evil melanoma stole his life.  I will miss him.  I was looking forward to sharing quite a few more years with him.

So - life goes on.  Back into routines, work and Crossfit etc

19 February, 2013

In Ashburton

In Ashburton.  To be with Dad.

Called in to CrossFit Ashburton and asked if I could join in....
So I rolled up to the 5.45am class.  Just 5 of us plus Coach Ben

Standard crossfit structure

After the warmup we did some Power Snatch drills

- 200m run
- 25 sit-ups
- 25 Power Snatchs. I did it with 35kg
- 400 m run
- 50 air squats
- 400 m run
- 25 sit-ups
- 25 Power Snatch
- 200m run

My time16.48

18 February, 2013

New Week - feeling OK....

I wondered if I could backup the last week with another 5 session week, so here goes... day 1.

I did some running in the weekend and physical yard work so wasn't slothful during the 2 days off....
A few Pullups, Double Under practice as well

Monday mornign WOD
AQAP in teams of 2 - 3 rounds of
- 500m row
- 400m run

Andy and I time: 12.50 ... fair...

Afterwards did some 40kg Thrusters for practice

Weight this morning 86.6 - nice start to the week

15 February, 2013

5 days in a row....

Cool - managed 5 days in a row and feeling a little muscle weary around the shoulders.  I'm not feeling the pain that I experienced last year when I tried 5 days a week.  I think this down to being more flexible now and the ligaments/tendons aren't being strained the same, so its just muscle work...

Strength Class
Weighted Pull-Ups
5 - 3 - 3 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1
Managed to do these use underhand grip and 5kg then 8kg and finished with 10kg Dumbbell

Finisher: AMRAP 10min
- 10 Pistol Squats
- 10 Knees to Elbows
- 10 Clapping Pushups

Managed 4 complete rounds...

Weight this morning 88.0  not bad given the dinning that M and I did last night for Valentines day


14 February, 2013

Valentine Day

The WOD today was called "Valentine Day Massacre" ....

4 min Sumo Deadlift High Pull (SDHP) - 40kg 50
3 min KB Swings 24kg 35
2 min HSPU 12
1 min Burpees 15

Number of reps equals score: 112

Weight this morning 87.7

13 February, 2013

Strength and technique WOD today

10 sets of 2 rep Push-split Jerk (Off the rack)
The 10 sets allowed a long build up but it got tiring towards the end.  I stopped at 70kg at around the 7th set and focused on getting technique better

Weight this morning 88.1kg  

12 February, 2013

Big week - attempting 5 classes - 2 down

Weight this morning.... 88.2kg   argh!!! want at least 86 and of course.... heading towards 82

 Yesterday it was 88.5

Yesterdays WOD - AQAP 7 rounds (10 min cutoff)
- 7 Front Squats
- 7 Chest To Bar

It was tough - times are geting shorted and the weight for Rx'ing is still up...
I did it with 50kg bar - Had to clean it from the floor - Did the Chest to bar without band so thats good
Rx was 80kg for men and 55kg for women !!!
My time 9.30ish

This mornings WOD "Elizabeth"  21 - 15 - 9  cut off 9.00min
- Cleans - did it with 40kg (Rx was 60/45)
- Ring Dips (I scaled to Box dips)

My time 7.47

08 February, 2013


Jackie WOD today - a fast one

AQAP 10min cut off
- 1000m run
- 50 thrusters 20kg bar
- 30 Pull Ups

My time 9.33  (Rx'd it too... cool)

Weight this morning 87.9kg  possibly that hot chocolate last night....

07 February, 2013

PR for the Push-Press

Day off yesterday and a little slack with eating habits.....

It is nice being diet clean during the day and then trying to keep a cap on eating at night.  I do find that I can handle it better if I do some exercise at night (light run and longer walk etc)

Son's birthday today - he's 17 !!

Crossfit this morning 6.00am
WOD 7 sets of 3 Push-Press
Started well and climbed up to 70kg, previous best was 60kg back in October

We did a finisher of - (teams of 2) Number of KB Swings in 5 minutes
Matt and I knocked out 122.... nice, got the heart going and a good sweat

Weight this morning 88.2kg, so back at it...

05 February, 2013

feeling better now....

Feels nice to be a little muscle weary.  It's a nice felling like the soreness is honestly gained.

I need to build the strength in my "Traps" Its this shrug movement combined with the hip flexing open that drives the bar up and allows you to go under to "catch" it.  The crucial technique is to keep the bars upward progress as straight as possible otherwise it's near impossible to catch it cleanly and be able to hold it before lifting up from the squat position...

Good Crossfit class today

WOD  AQAP 3 rounds (10 min cut off)
- 21 Deadlifts (Rx 100kg) I went with 80kg
- 50 DU's - I scaled with 150 singles

My time 8.18

MUST GET DU's sorted.  I'm nearly there. I can do partials (2 SU 1 DU etc) buts its not quite consistent enough yet...

Weight this morning 87.4kg....

04 February, 2013

... And I'm back

After getting the pain relief sorted - the injury took a few days to come right

So Monday today - 6.00am WOD
3 Sets of 3 Power Cleans
Struggled a bit with technique 60kg my best

then 4 rounds (but we ran out of time so only 3)
- 12 Front Squats
- 8 Strict Pull-ups (I used the band...)

Weight this morning - 88.5 - right back into this