28 January, 2013

Last week of Jan 2013

The year is flying along already...

Lots to do

Crossfit again this morning (Monday) - survived OK given a gave myself a good workout yesterday...

Yesterday(Sunday) - I decided to try the longer run.  Starting from home, ran to the quarry, around the forest track, and then back home.  Probably walked a good km of it - it was hot, and much longer than I expected - took about 1hour 20min.  I hope to do that next time with less walking/Stops and in about 1 hour 5 ish

Went for a good walk along the beach with M and the pup Lachie - beautiful sunny day

Then straight after played M at squash - 4 games, about 40min

Good eating all day too.  Also ate well Saturday.  Not soi well Friday as it was M's sons birthday and we had cake and nibbles and drinks etc

Anyway - my weight this morning 86.1kg - A good number to start the week

Todays WOD - "Diane"  21 - 15 - 9  AQAP  (9 min cut-off)
- Dead Lift ( I did it with 70kg)
- Hand Stand Push Up (scaled with a 10kg plate under the ab-mat - probably shouldn't have)

My time 7min27

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