25 January, 2013

Big shoulder workout...

Played hockey last night.  No Crossfit in the morning so felt fine.  The team played like shit and we lost heavily again....
I Reffed the next game and Hornby payed worst than us - so lets hope we get a win from them when they come up for us....

Crossfit 6.00am this morning

WOD "D.T." 12 min cut-off
- 12 Dead Lifts
- 9 Hang Power Cleans
- 6 Push Jerk

Rx was 70kg !! shit - I did it in 11.53 with 50kg and felt smashed!!!  The women's Rx was 55kg - This is a tough WOD - I'm feeling the effect on my shoulders from the power cleans and push jerks already!!

Weight this morning 86.1  !! - Probably lost a lot of water yesterday - but didn't eat too much last night...

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