13 December, 2012

Paleo Challenge Day 39

Day 38 Review
Breakfast: 2 egg omelette with Mushrooms and Parmesan - using eggs from Nurse Deb - WOW
AM Snack: Carrots and a few nuts
Lunch: Berry Smoothie
PM Snack: The rest of the Berry Smoothie (Usual recipe)
Dinner:  Slow cooked lamb, Pumpkin, Carrots, Broccoli, Courgettes, Asparagus - Yum
After some Squash with Tim a snack of home grown strawberries and a few nuts

Points: Food 4 Water - just 1, Crossfit 1 = 6 (last Crossfit points for the week)_

Day 39
Crossfit rest day for me - Have a game of Hockey tonight

Weight this morning:  84.4 !!  (9.1 kgs lost)

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