05 December, 2012

Paleo Challenge Day 31

Day 30 review

Food: 2 egg omelette etc
AM Snack: Apple
Lunch: Nuts and apple
PM Snack: Apple
Dinner: Homemade hamburgers(2) (Mince, eggs and seasoning) and some bacon and a green salad plus some Bluevane(sp?) cheese
Late snack during movie - nuts and dried cranberries

Water: had about 2.5litres that day

Points: Food 4 water 1 and crossfit 1 = 6

Crossfit at 7.00am this morning

Strength/Skills Session
3 sets of 5 reps Push-Press
Probably should have done more but maxed it at 55kg

WOD - Benchmark "Helen" AQAP 3 rounds
- 400m run
- 21 KB swings 24kg
- 12 Pull Ups

I RX'd it!!! I finished last in the class, but who cares my time 12.48 woohoo!!

Weight this morning: 85.3 - up due to portion size and didn't really need that late snack and extra water....

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