17 December, 2012

Paleo Challenge Complete


Total points: 212
Paleo WOD:
At Start: 3 Rounds plus 5 Thrusters
At End: 3 Rounds plus Thrusters, Box Jumps, Push Ups, and 2 Pull Ups
(had hoped to get the 4 round completed, but once that heart rate went up to max it became a tough WOD)

OK - the real challenge is to take this Paleo diet and "largely" keep to it.
I let loose a bit over the weekend and my weight this morning was 85.9 !!! so in 2 days I put on 1.5kg

Had some lasagne, potato, green onion chips, white wine 3/4 bottle, one glass of red wine, and not enough water.  Bottom line - better watch how often I choose to go non-Paleo...

I'll keep this blog going with my eating and exercise - initial goal will be to get to 82kg and cement that number in place, and then get stronger so that I can participate in the Crossfit Open in March

My shoulders need to get stronger - Strict Pull Ups - target 10 overhand grip.....

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