02 October, 2013

Rx'd the WOD !!

Went for a short run last night - nearly killed me
had some muscle cramps later - I really do need to run at least twice a week to improve that side of my fitness

Also did the second Met-con WOD for Masters training yesterday as well  A Cindy variation.  12min AMRAP - Cindy + Deadlift.  Increasing number of DL's (+1) each round.  and the DL had to be 75% of 1RM - OK - I went with 100kg, as 75% of my 1RM is 120kg  Manged 6 full rounds and did a 7th Cindy and got 1 rep of DL

Todays WOD
3 RFT  (20min cut)
- 15 Chest To Bar
- 20 Burpees
- 15 SDHP  Rx 40kg

Time 16.27
Had good technique on CTB's - Still trying to string these together in sets of 5 - I mostly did them in 4,3, and 2's

Weight 89.5

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