30 October, 2013

Big Weekend is over....

Team Nationals at Mt Maunganui (CrossFit)

5 WODs in (basically) a day and a half
WODs that would normally be spaced over a week.

Yes body was sore - but I am so proud of our team achievements

I went to the Wed 6.00am class this morning - more from wanting to stretch and get mobile again.
Did Back Squats - didn't push the weight - just focused on the technique - felt good

Did the 8min AMRAP
- 12 Thrusters 20kg
- 4 Box Burpees

Did 6 rounds + 12 +2 (nearly 7 rnds - bugger)

Some good stretching to end the class

Weight 88.0kg  Not bad considering the way I let loose following the competition...

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