18 October, 2013

Fantastic Team WOD last night

Wow - had fun - exhausting, but hugely satisfying

1. Bear Complex drills for about 20mins

2. The Body Weight WOD for the Mount - but with lots of time added

3. Fractured Fran - 6min AMRAP 9 Thrusters 9 Pullups

All this done in teams....

had lots of energy.
Talking with Troy - he mentioned that diet is probably the thing that is killing my energy levels.
Feeling too sluggish early on in the day, even tho I like working out then

So - need to balance the carbs a bit more.  I'm getting a good amount of protein (Whey, plus meats), Good Fats (nuts, animal fats), carbs -(vege etc) is probably a bit light and not at the right time of the day (specially post workout

 I didn't train this morning - energy level at work feels better

Weight this morning 88.8

I think the change I will make is to include some post-workout carb/energy replenishment earlier. i.e within 30min of the WOD - something like Coffee, Whey Protein Shake, Banana (or similar)

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