16 October, 2013

It's now Wednesday

Well Tuesday was full on...

Morning Crossfit Performance at 7.00am
Back Squats - 7 rep sets....95kg

then a met-con  10 round tabata alternating
 Power Cleans and Push-press - did these with 40kg - very tough no rest

Did a 1000m swim a lunchtime - straight through (i.e. no breaks) felt good

Evening - did the 10min EMOM (alternate) Thrusters / PullUps

Weight Tuesday morning 88.1kg

A bit sore and tired this morning - lacking energy

6.00am Crossfit Performance Class

Push-Press strength - only managed 65kg ad did that with a small jerk too... :(

Met-con WOD
5 RFT  (15min cut)
- 10 Power Snatch Rx 35kg
- 10 Wall Balls 9kg
- 200m run

Well I missed the cut - but finished in 16.21 - shows the energy was down

Weight 87.7 - good

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