19 June, 2012

OK - its a lunchtime class...

I can't promise to make this blog about early morning workouts only...

I will probably do a couple of lunchtimes per week...

So, today - not a long workout, but as far as backing up from yesterday - it hurt!

12 min AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)
5 Front Squats - 40kg
10 CTB (Chest To Bar) like a Kipping Pull Up, but you go another 3 inches higher!
50 single skips (well that's what I did - the Rx is 20 Double Under skips - need to practice the technique

I did 5 complete rounds...

The CTBs were hard as this was the same muscles that got a hammering yesterday - The guys told me afterwards that it likely that these muscles will get a rest now for the rest of the week - phew!


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