30 June, 2012

Getting serious about weight goal

Hopped on scales today. 90.6 Not bad considering we have shifted into new house. Been a stressful couple of weeks. Time to cut back on alcohol, bread, and sugar. Crossfit has been good at keeping me sane! Ciao

29 June, 2012

30min tough one

Todays WOD was called "Whitten"  Apparently Mr Whitten was a "Hero" (KIA) of the US Armed Forces who particularly liked this workout so they dedicated it to him.

30min AQAP - 5 Rounds of:
22 Kettle Bell swings 24kg
22 Box Jumps (24inch)
400m run
22 Burpees
22 Medicine Ball (8kg) Squat and wall throw

Well - it was a gut buster!! - I managed 3 rounds plus 10 KBs

28 June, 2012

Fun today....

Cool Crossfit class today.

We did the outside warm up which was OK - a bit cold to start with, but finished nicely warm

Then there was an exercise of seeing how high you could box jump.  The men usually do a 24inch box jump and this was some fun on seeing how much further you could go.
We did a bunch of practice jumps then started adding weight plates to the 24inch box.  I got up to 2 20kg plates on top before I caught one on the toe.  One of the other guys got two 20inch boxes on top of one another plus a 20 kg plate - roughly 43inches!!  pretty good from a stand still

WOD 12 min AQAP
3 rounds of
10 x OHS (Over Head Squat) I did it with 30kg
10 Burpee Pull Ups ( do a burpee on the ground and then straight into a Pullup !!)

Managed it in 7.16

27 June, 2012

Back at Pioneer Circuit

Busy day today, and decided it suited to go back to the Wednesday 6.10am circuit class at Pioneer

A good cardio program - do a muscle exercise then a shuttle run and the variety comes with the different muscle exercises we did. Pushups, Burpees, squats, Tricep-dips, pistol squat variations (single leg squat with a twist), Slalom jump/squats

You get the idea - A good sweat up and it felt like a loosen-er from the Crossfit WODs


26 June, 2012

Tuesday lunchtime

A good cardio style workout today that also did the shoulders in....

WOD - AQAP 20min 5 rounds
10 Wall Walkers
10 Toes to Bar
20 Box jumps (24inch box)

Well I got within a couple of minutes of getting 4 rounds done
3 rounds plus Box Jumps + Toes to bar
It was hard and only 2 very fit guys got it finished
It was nice to be at the Rx level for this one, even if the time was hard to crack

3rd week

The start of the third week was sort of interesting

My shoulders still feel sore from the previous week, but I went anyway

WOD 3 rounds AQAP
7 x Clean and Jerk - I used 40kg
7 x Muscle Ups, but at L1 I did the alt 5 x (3PullUps + 3 Triceps Dips)
 The pull ups are getting better, and  using a weight I can handle on the bar is allowing me to focus on technique, cause good technique does make it easier...

21 June, 2012

6.00am class

Another hard shoulder workout - been a real week of it....

15min AQAP WOD
21-15-9   (i.e. 3 rounds with falling reps)

- 30kg Overhead squat - Bar held over your head and do a squat - arse below knees etc
- Pull Ups

The RX was squat with 55% of body weight - I did 33%, and my pull ups were with a blue band

So, I'm sitting at work writing this up and my shoulders feel dead

Weight has been 90.5kg for the last few days - Target is Less then 85kg by mid next month... Its all about the food - No sugar drinks (except wine !) and no bread

Yesterdays WOD

Missed writing this up afterwards - now have to remember, argh yes

We did this 10 min AQAP
I wont bother explaining the full Rx as I'm still a long way from it
15 x Dumb Bell Overhead and underarm extensions  (This was instead of Muscle Ups on the Rings!!)
10 Wall Walkers (Instead of Hand Stand Push Ups HSPU)
50 Squats
400m sprint

I managed this in 6.33
THEN - they said do it again....

19 June, 2012

OK - its a lunchtime class...

I can't promise to make this blog about early morning workouts only...

I will probably do a couple of lunchtimes per week...

So, today - not a long workout, but as far as backing up from yesterday - it hurt!

12 min AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)
5 Front Squats - 40kg
10 CTB (Chest To Bar) like a Kipping Pull Up, but you go another 3 inches higher!
50 single skips (well that's what I did - the Rx is 20 Double Under skips - need to practice the technique

I did 5 complete rounds...

The CTBs were hard as this was the same muscles that got a hammering yesterday - The guys told me afterwards that it likely that these muscles will get a rest now for the rest of the week - phew!


18 June, 2012

...a purpose?

I started this blog with the intention of gathering some like minded folk
Who?  oh yeah - folk who like to get up[ early and fling themselves around a gym.  And I mean flinging themselves around based on what someone ese says - early bird boot camp style of thing.  Circuit training etc

Well that was a couple of years ago, and now I've finally got something to say.

I joined a CrossFit Gym CrossFit Canterbury.  Just started my second week, I'm sore but loving it.

So I will use this blog to write about the class I just did (or was done in by) as each class is different (love that)

Todays:  AQAP (As Quick As Possible) 18 mins
15 rounds of:
5 Pull ups (Kipping)
10 Push Ups (Breaking Push ups)
15 Squats

Well at the 18min mark I had got to 14... so I qualify as a DNF 14
Knacked !!  Do the maths  14 x 10 Pushups - They were the hardest part so I did 140 !!
Kipping Pull Ups are a pull up with a swing technique that make it easier.  I'm not strong enough to do these unassisted - I use a heavy rubber band under my foot that helps (a lot!!)

Anyway - I hope to track my progress through this blog, till eventually I'm doing all the routines at "Rx" (thats the prescription) instead of some lower level...
