17 March, 2014

Been a while

Well I'm 3 weeks into "The Open"  Scoring OK, and a lot better than my showing last year

Motivation is down in a few other areas - specially Work.  I think it's my poor sleep that is making me feel distracted.  Rather listen to music or watch a movie instead of doing the (sometimes) trickier work.

I'm not watching my weight and I sort of know that I'm 3-4 kgs heavier than I should be.  This won't be helping my sleeping.  However I have cut back my caffeine each day.  Just two strong cups per day, then green tea

What to do? 

05 February, 2014

"Fight Gone Bad" last night

Wow - FGB is an evil little WOD
They made us do 5 rounds !!!

Got up and went to 6am class
Strict press for skill/strength work then a 12min AMRAP (8 Burpees, 8 Thrusters)
Coach T "Pete you do the Rx weight right!"
Argh - 45kg Thrusters

managed 6 rounds plus 8 burpees
happy that all thrusters were done unbroken

Weight this morning 90.7

04 February, 2014

Busy schedule - and now it's February

So my weight is 91.8kg...  Too high

Trying to eat as clean as I can, but a few sugar treats are finding there way in...

Workouts have been good.  Doing the extra weight-lifting routines and the usual Crossfit WODS

So many strength elements to work on.  My fore-arm (grip) strength got found out yesterday.  KBs and PUs left my forearms smoked!

20 January, 2014

Monday yet again - how does that happen?

Seems like I get to Monday each week ad wonder how my diet and training seemed to go all wonky.

Well mostly my diet.
Weight this morning 90.7 - I think a bit of this is due to the sweat released on the WOD

Having difficulty with my left hand - it needs strapping to firm it up to be able to hold the bar overhead

6.00am was Snatch 1RM and then a WOD 15 AMRAP
I did technique work on the Snatch $0/45kg of high hang to work on speed of the last pull and getting under quickly

- 100m run
- 10 bar burpees
- 10 SDHP 30kg
- 10 Thrusters 30kg

Did just over 4 rnds
The thrusters were hard with the hand injury -Can't grip the bar enough to aggressively do the thrusters.  Pity cause my running and burpees were great.  SDHP was OK - need to work on those...

15 January, 2014

Diet is the biggest challenge

My workout effectiveness is getting better

My "engine" is stronger - doing a 15min WOD I can keep the energy throughout and have enough to push harder in final minutes

BUT - I need to be a little lighter for those body-weight exercises

Weight this morning 91.8kg  - must get it down to below 88 before the Feb comps...
My body shape feels good, but...

I have done 6.00am class for last three days
Monday - DeadLifts - did a PR 165kg  (15min WOD)
Tuesday - 35min cut Barbara - managed 4 rounds - would have needed another 3 min to finish this
Wednesday - Back Squat 3 rep sets plus ME  110kg 7 reps  and 15min WOD 5 C&Js + 10 TTB (6 rounds)

All good stuff

10 January, 2014

Friday again - end of first week back

Not quite finished for the week - at least 1-2 more exercise related things to do

Yesterday - did day 2 of the Cal Strength program - It's taking too long - I need to move more quickly through the warm-up and movement prep stuff - as well as pacing the core lifts quicker

Did 6.00am this morning
Power Cleans - stayed on 65kg - happy to focus on technique
- 20 Wall Balls
- 8 C&Js  40kg

managed 6 complete rounds

Weight 90.6 after that...

09 January, 2014

Day 2 of Cal Strength program - Thursday for me

So 4th day in - body is a little weary - so no big met-con for me today...

Just the day 2 Cal Strength program - oly drills and FSs

weight this morning 91.6 - yesterdays number was sweat assisted I think

08 January, 2014

So that was Christmas - welcome to 2014

Last weight recording was 89.6 on the 18th
Yesterday (7th Jan) 92.3kg  so nearly 2.5kgs added over the break - not bad for all that drinking and bad food choices!!

This morning 91.1kg  - clean eating and back into exercise is working

Started the prep work for The Open on Monday
Monday 6.00am class plus early afternoon weight session(Calstrength) program
Tuesday 12.15 class "Sweat Buster"  33min - lots of DU's awesome
Today(Wednesday) 6.00am class so far - think I will rest for the balance of this day, a my body still in shock from the Xmas/NY break.  Will do todays strength program tomorrow, and then Fridays program on Saturday (at this stage)