20 January, 2014

Monday yet again - how does that happen?

Seems like I get to Monday each week ad wonder how my diet and training seemed to go all wonky.

Well mostly my diet.
Weight this morning 90.7 - I think a bit of this is due to the sweat released on the WOD

Having difficulty with my left hand - it needs strapping to firm it up to be able to hold the bar overhead

6.00am was Snatch 1RM and then a WOD 15 AMRAP
I did technique work on the Snatch $0/45kg of high hang to work on speed of the last pull and getting under quickly

- 100m run
- 10 bar burpees
- 10 SDHP 30kg
- 10 Thrusters 30kg

Did just over 4 rnds
The thrusters were hard with the hand injury -Can't grip the bar enough to aggressively do the thrusters.  Pity cause my running and burpees were great.  SDHP was OK - need to work on those...

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